

Battery Blogs, Articles & How-Tos

AGM Vs. Lead-Acid Battery: Which Is Right for Your Car?

Shopping for a new car battery — how complicated can it be? Maybe more than you realize. You should consider: Battery Type: AGM (absorbent glass mat) or traditional lead-acid? Cold Cranking Amps (CCA): Does the [...]

What’s a Deep-Cycle Battery & What Are Its Uses?

Most RV owners, solar energy enthusiasts, and people living off the grid have heard of deep-cycle batteries and may already be using them. Some can expound on the virtues and shortcomings of various brands, their [...]

Battery Calibration 101: How, Why & When to Do It

Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a battery nerd, a smartphone user, or a car owner, periodic battery calibration should be on your radar. It can prolong the life of your devices. It's an important maintenance [...]

What’s a Sulfated Battery? And Is Sulfation Dangerous?

Relatively few people understand battery sulfation, but many have experienced it. Symptoms include: Reduced battery capacity Longer charging times Difficulty starting the engine of your car, jet ski, or whatever you're operating Increased self-discharge rate [...]


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