Car & Motorcycle Batteries

Car Battery Maintenance Tips for Longevity

Your car battery has one job — keeping your car running reliably. However, it becomes weaker and less reliable with age. Most car batteries have a life expectancy of  3–5 years, but with a little TLC, you may be able to coax a couple of extra years out of a battery. Even the best batteries [...]

AGM Vs. Lead-Acid Battery: Which Is Right for Your Car?

Shopping for a new car battery — how complicated can it be? Maybe more than you realize. You should consider: Battery Type: AGM (absorbent glass mat) or traditional lead-acid? Cold Cranking Amps (CCA): Does the battery have enough juice to start your car reliably in cold weather? Reserve Capacity (RC): Does the battery have reserve [...]

What’s a Deep-Cycle Battery & What Are Its Uses?

Most RV owners, solar energy enthusiasts, and people living off the grid have heard of deep-cycle batteries and may already be using them. Some can expound on the virtues and shortcomings of various brands, their chemical composition and capacity, and so on. We invite those readers to leave their insights in the comments below. For [...]

What Is an AGM Car Battery? (& What Are Its Benefits?)

Are you shopping for a new car battery? Then, you may have encountered the acronym "AGM" somewhere along the line. But what is AGM, exactly, and why have AGM batteries taken the automotive industry by storm? Is it yet another transient technology that will soon be obsolete? This blog will explain what AGM batteries are, [...]

Cold-Cranking Amps: What They Are & When You Need Them

Brrrr! Winter has arrived. You dash to the car and press the ignition button, only nothing happens. The car lets out a groan and dies. The discount battery you purchased is letting you know why it came so cheap. It's short on cold-cranking amps (CCA) — a crucial factor in frigid temperatures. Without enough of [...]

Battery Calibration 101: How, Why & When to Do It

Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a battery nerd, a smartphone user, or a car owner, periodic battery calibration should be on your radar. It can prolong the life of your devices. It's an important maintenance practice for most rechargeable devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and electric vehicles (EVs). In this blog, we'll cover the basics [...]

10 Reasons Why Your Car Battery Keeps Dying

You're running late for work and a big meeting. No time for designer coffee today — you were up all night fine-tuning a presentation for the new client and barely had time to shower. You sprint to the car, hit the ignition, and nothing. The car won't start. The battery's dead. You're doomed. To make [...]

Replacing a Motorcycle Battery: A DIY Guide

Does your motorcycle struggle to start? It could be due to: A faulty starter motor Bad wiring or connections A lack of fuel A clogged air filter A faulty kill switch or ignition switch Most likely, though, you have a dying battery. Motorcycle batteries last between 2 and 5 years. Exposure to extreme temperatures, poor [...]

By |2024-10-06T09:02:22-07:00April 3rd, 2018|Car & Motorcycle Batteries, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Choosing the Best Car Battery: 8 Simple Steps

Selecting the right car battery is like navigating a dark maze of technical jargon and specs. Follow this guide like the golden thread of Theseus, and you'll never be lost or discouraged. You'll emerge from the battery maze unscathed. Of course, if you live close to Santa Ana, CA, your best option is to stop [...]

By |2024-10-06T09:02:33-07:00February 26th, 2018|Car & Motorcycle Batteries, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Does Your Car Battery Drain Too Fast? 10 Little Things That Can Help

Have you ever experienced a dead car battery? With luck, you were at home, and a jump-start or call to AAA solved the problem. But maybe you were in the middle of nowhere, stranded in 100-degree F heat as your mobile phone battery also died. Keeping your car battery healthy can save you a lot [...]

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